Monday 12 September 2016

Staines Population set to rise to 116,200 by 2036 

Staines faces a predicament. The population is growing and the provision of new housing isn’t keeping up. And indeed, the population of Staines is growing at a fairly alarming rate. This is due to a combination of longer life expectancy, a high birth rate (compared to previous decades) and high net immigration, all of which contribute to housing shortages and burgeoning house prices.

On the longer life expectancy, did you know that the average age of a Staines’ite (is there such a word?) is 40.4 years? This compares to the South East average of 40.0 years old and the national average of 39.4 years of age.
Durham University, known as the UK’s leading authority for population statistics have produced statistics looking specifically at each Borough Council area. Their population projections make startling reading…
For the Spelthorne Borough Council area ... these are the statistics and future forecasts:

2016 population           99,747
2021 population           104,207
2026 population           108,490
2031 population           112,464
2036 population           116,252

or seen graphically:

The normal ratio of people to property is 2 to 1 in the UK, which therefore means...

 We need just over 8,000 additional new properties to be built
in the Spelthorne Borough Council area over the next 20 years.

Whilst focusing on population growth does not tackle the housing crisis in the short term in Staines, it has a fundamental role to play in long-term housing development and strategy of the town and the surrounding areas. The rise of Staines property values over the last six years since the credit crunch is primarily the result of a lack of properties coming onto the market, a lack of new properties being built and rising demand (especially from landlords looking to buy property to rent them out to the growing number of people wanting to live in Staines but can’t buy or rent from the Council).

Although many people are talking about the need to improve supply (i.e. the building of new properties), the issue of cumulative demand from population growth is often overlooked. Nationally, the proportion of 25-34 year olds who own their own home has dropped dramatically from 66.7% in 1987 to 43.8% in 2014, whilst 78.2% of over 65s own their own home. Longer life expectancies mean houses remain in the same hands for longer.

It might surprise some people that 98% of all the land in the UK is either industrial, commercial or agricultural, with only two percent being used for housing. So whilst one could propose expanding supply to meet the expanding population by building on green belt, most politicians haven’t got the stomach to tackle the problem in that way, especially in the Tory strongholds of the South of England, where demand is greatest. People mention brownfield sites, but recent research suggests there aren’t that many brownfield sites to build on;  certainly there aren’t enough in Staines to accommodate 8,000 properties in the next 20 years.

In the short to medium term, demand for a roof over of one’s head will continue to grow in Staines (and the country as a whole). In the short term, that demand can only be met from the private rental sector, which of course is good news for homeowners and landlords alike as it will maintain rising house prices.

In the long term though, local and national Government and the UK population as a whole need to realise that these additional tens of thousands of people (millions nationally, of course) need to live somewhere. Only once this issue starts to get addressed, in terms of extra properties being built in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, can we all help create a prosperous and comfortable future for everyone.

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