Thursday 27 November 2014

Staines Property Prices – How do They Compare to the 2007 Boom?

Many landlords have been chatting to me recently about stories in the press and voicing their concerns about booming house prices and whether we are heading for another “property bubble”?

If you recall, in a previous article, I mentioned that property prices had dropped quite considerably in Staines after the property crash but, since 2009 they have been growing.  I took the time last week to look at every property sale in Staines in the last few months (and there were a lot sold!) and then looked to see if any of the same properties had also sold in 2007.  There were plenty such properties in Staines and the numbers suggest that property values are now 17% higher than they were at the 2007 peak.  

So does that mean that Staines property prices are too expensive, especially when we are so far over the peak 2007 prices?

Since 2007, inflation has risen by around 19%.  The average value of a property in Staines in late 2007 was £309,000.  Today, we know that figure is 17% more at £361,600 (17% higher).  However, during that time we have had 19% inflation, so if property values had risen by inflation, the average Staines property would be £367,700 (£309,000 + 19% inflation equals £367,100) . Therefore, property values are actually 2% lower in real terms than they were in 2007 (19% inflation – 17% capital growth = 2% lower).

Most people think inflation is a bad thing eating away at the real value of your savings.  It can however be advantageous to property investors.  My answer to landlords is to get the best advice and opinion you can.  Speak to me, speak to others, do your homework and drive a hard bargain when buying, thus ensuring when price yields do start to rise at the levels that they were in the early part of 2014, you are in pole position. 

If you are a landlord in Staines and want to pick my brains on any aspect of the local property market, or need an opinion on what (or not) to buy, send us an email to or or pop into our office on the High Street in Staines (We don’t bite....honest!!!!).

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Whitley Close, Stanwell - Studio Buy To Let deal - 6.7% yield

Sherwoods have just put this studio on the market for £125,000.

These easily let for £700 per month (sometimes more)

Decent 6.7% yield

Friday 21 November 2014

Viola Avenue Outperforms the Stanwell Property Market by 64%

An interesting discussion with a local landlord who lives in Stanwell - we chatted about his buy to let property in Viola Avenue and how that particular property market was so different from properties in the rest of Stanwell where he lives.

We spoke about the two property markets, as it was a good place to start before moving on to consider the whole of Stanwell and Staines.  I did make comparisons between Stanwell and Viola Avenue and was surprised to find that the property market in the Viola Avenue area had outperformed the Stanwell property market by 64%!

The average price of a two bedroom town house on Viola Avenue is £231,800.  When you consider that the rents that are achieved here are on average £1,150 per month, this gives us a yield of 5.95% per year – so is the Viola Avenue area the best investment?  Well, in Stanwell, where the average value of a four bedroom detached house is £502,800 and the average rent for such a property is £1,513 per month, this gives a much lower yield of 3.61%.  This makes the yield/return in the Viola Avenue area proportionally 64% greater than property in Stanwell, so surely Viola Avenue is the best investment isn’t it?

However, this is a classic example of annual yield/return not being the only factor when choosing an investment property.  You should also consider how much the value of the property may go up in the long –term.  In the last ten years, property values have only risen on average by 61.5% in the Viola Avenue area, which is still very impressive considering we had the 2008 property crash.  However, average property values in Stanwell over the same ten year period have risen by approximately 89.3%.

So, if you are investing in the Staines and Stanwell property market, do you want capital value or do you want yield or a bit of both?  If you are landlord with a number of properties or someone who is thinking of becoming a buy to let landlord for the first time, please feel free to pop your head through the door of our offices on the High Street in Staines or email us on or

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Stanwell - Buy To let deal of the week

Rule One of Buy to let .. you aren't going to live in it!

With plain looks, this 3 bed town house will let well, sell well, offer decent yields and decent (but not electric) capital growth.

This weeks pick of the bunch of buy to let deals in the Greater Staines area.

On the market with The Frost Partnership for £279,950 .. don't hang around - wont be on the market long!

Friday 14 November 2014

Staines....Good Time to Buy a Property??

Following last week’s article, I had an interesting chat with a chap who lives in the Thames Club area of Staines.  He popped into our offices on the High Street whilst his better half was doing some shopping.  He is thinking of buying his first buy to let property and wanted my opinion on the state of the Staines property market and whether it was a good time to invest.

He was however particularly worried that with all the headlines of a booming housing market, there wouldn’t be enough demand from tenants.  One of the best pieces of advice I can give to those looking to invest in property is a simple trick of the trade.  You can judge the affordability of an area’s property market (and thus how much demand there may be) by simply finding the ratio of the average property price to average salary – the lower the ratio, the more affordable the property is.

When we put this to the test, we found that Staines currently has an average property value of £361,600.  The average salary of someone living in Staines is £34,442. This is a ratio of 10.49 to 1 (not bad when you consider the UK national average is 9.5 to 1).  Most lenders will only lend up to four and a half times income, so, to buy an average property in Staines, a first time buyer needs to be on a salary in the early £80,000’s. Even then, they would need to raise the 5% deposit which, when you take into buying fees, would be in the order of £20,100. Tenant’s inability to raise that sort of money for the deposit is driving demand for rental property in Staines.

If you would like some advice about buying to let, be you a landlord with an existing portfolio or someone thinking of investing in the rental market for the first time, please pop in and see us at our office on the High Street in Staines or, email us on or

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Laleham 3 bed town house - Sub £300k - BTL deal of the week

SJ Smiths Estate Agents have just put on to the market this modern 3 bed town house for £300,000. Now let's be honest, it isn't the prettiest property from the outside, but these are good sized rooms, the properties sell well and let well. Decent Yields and properties in this street have risen in value by 257% in the last 19 years ..

Not bad inside (see the internals via the Zoopla link) .. she wont be on the market long!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Rollercoaster Property Prices in Staines and Stanwell Village

 Last week a landlord who lives in Stanwell Village popped into our offices on the High Street in Staines whilst his wife was having her hair cut at a salon just round the corner from us.  He wanted to discuss what exactly is happening in the Stanwell and Staines property market, as our article in the Staines Property Blog in the Summer indicated property values had been rising by £394 per week in Staines, £360 in Ashford and £225 per week in Stanwell.  In that article, we indicated that these property price increases were over the last 12 months (Summer 2013 to Summer 2014) and we went on to say that in the Spring of 2014 the property market was showing superb growth.

I was able to let him know that I had carried out some more detailed research over the past few weeks which produced some very interesting statistics for the home owners and buy to let landlords alike of both Staines and Stanwell.  In the second quarter (April to June) of 2014, average property values in Staines rose by £21,171 or £1,764 per week.  However, in quarter three 2014 (July to September) average property values had tempered and the average Staines property had only risen by £541 per week.  This has been mirrored in Stanwell too as average property values rose by £20,461 or £1,705 per week in quarter two 2014 and tempered to £512 per week in quarter three. 

Talking with other agents in Staines, this slow down was not entirely unexpected, giving mounting evidence of a moderation in activity over the last few months we found mortgage approvals dropped by approximately a fifth between January and May 2014 and there has also been some softening in forward looking indicators, such as new buyer enquiries.  On the other side of the coin, with the labour market strengthening, landlords are looking for a home for their savings, mortgage rates are expected to remain low and with consumer confidence rising, activity is likely to recover in the months ahead. 

It all comes down to doing your homework, asking questions of the agent and owners, find out their motivation for selling and see if you can “bag that bargain”.  Trust me they are still out there and in fact on the Staines Property Blog, we will post each week what we consider is the best buy to let investment in Staines and Stanwell, irrespective of which agent the property is on the market with.

Monday 3 November 2014

Stanwell 4 bed semi ... nice BTL project for the savvy landlord investor

Frost's put this three / four bed extended semi detached house on the market over the weekend for a very reasonable £299,950.

Not bad inside (have a look at the photo's via the Zoopla link below) .. little cracker .. I have a feeling she won't be on the market long